“Chicken and eggs were Shelley’s next hurdles to a semblance of normalcy. In her case, it was the egg that came first. She had banished eggs from her kitchen when Max was killed. It was how she had managed to survive Sundays without him.
Sunday mornings had once been her favorite time of the week. It was only then that not waking up in Max’s arms made her smile. The sight of his empty pillow meant one glorious thing: Paris was bubbling in the oven.
Shelley had fallen in love with Max’s baked eggs and cheese almost as soon as she had fallen in love with Max himself. They were in Paris when he first made the dish for her and the tour group she had hastily joined. Since then each forkful tasted like that morning—warm, buttery, and bursting with full-fat promise. But Max was gone, and now Sundays coated her mouth with ash and gritty bits of grief.”*
- p.8, Before Ever After
Happy Valentine’s Day, campers. However cliché or cheesy we may think the day is, it’s still a good reminder to hug our loved ones a little tighter - for no reason other than that they’re there.
*Copyright © 2011 by Samantha Sotto-Yambao
I can't wait to get a hold of your novel, Sam! Cupid and I are so excited! Happy Valentine's day to you and Tembong!
Thanks, Mia! Enjoy this special day with Cupid! :)
Your books sounds amazing. I'm looking forward to it. Happy Valentine's Day!
Thanks, Kelly! Happy Heart Day to you too! :)
Max and Shelley will be two of the most memorable lovers the reading world will ever meet. Come, August!
Awwww. Sounds like I'm going to have to grab a couple tissues before reading your book. :)
Can't wait.
Happy V-Day, Sam!!!
Scrollwork - Fingers (and all appropriate appendages) crossed! :-) Happy Valentine's Day!
Christina - Haha! Don't worry, there are a lot of laughs too :) Happy Valentine's Day!
Wow, definitely looking forward to something with such beautifully descriptive language as: "now Sundays coated her mouth with ash and gritty bits of grief.” :-)
Delicious! Two short, delightful excerpts and already your book is ahead of The Best Laid Plans on my to read list!
Roxanne - Thank you! Writing that scene was bittersweet. :)
Cathy - Oh, wow! Thanks! I hope you enjoy the book! :)
So clever to connect a loved one with the smell of a favorite food - such a strong evoker of memory. My husband smells like peanut butter and fresh baked bread. I suppose if something happened to him, I'd have trouble eating a PBJ without thinking of him. Think I'll take your advice, Samantha, and go hug him now...
I'm super excited to get a copy of the book Sam! =)
(wala pang cover on Amazon, haha).
Cara - Awww. Thank you. :) Isn't amazing how our most precious memories are often the smallest ones? :)
Mommyology - Thanks!!! The designer just got back from vacay, so hopefully the the final cover will be available soon! :)
Yes! Hug your loved ones, for no other reason other than that they're there. Perfectly put, Sam. :)
@Jennifer - And we don't even have to hand over a dime to Hallmark :-)
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