It all started back when DVD players were twice as thick and ten times more expensive. I bought the Matrix Special Edition DVD Boxed Set and was promptly doomed.
I’ll never forget my first glimpse of The White Rabbit. It was a special feature that allowed you to sneak a peek at the special effects of selected scenes when a white rabbit icon appeared. Keanu Reeves. Trench coat. Wire harness. Awesome.
Since then, I’ve gotten my fix via The Princess Bride’s “As You Wish” Documentary, The Lord of the Ring’s “Abandoned Concept: Aragorn Battles Sauron” and Harry Potter’s “Conversations with the Cast.” The list goes on.
I’m the same way with books – which is why I was thrilled when I won the code to EVENFALL author, Liz Michalski’s hidden pages on her website through a contest over at Petit Fours and Hot Tamales. What can I say? I’m on a lucky streak.
I’d love to know how you feel about book “bonus features.” As a reader, does it spoil the magic if you discover what the Magician has under his sleeve or does it make you appreciate the illusion more? As a writer, do you enjoy sharing your secrets with the world or would you rather keep them close to your chest?
Singapore Friday Field Trip from Sam Yambao on Vimeo.
What a lovely photo montage...and I feel so calm after the music you have paired with those beautiful pictures. Thank you! As for the bonus features...I don't have your drive. I don't watch the bonus features very much, and the fiction I write I guard very closely. It's funny because my non-fiction is so "real" with absolutely nothing hidden. So maybe that's why, for me, I don't want to know what goes on behind the scenes for the made-up and make-believe. Great food for thought.
I absolutely LOVE bonus materials and sneak peeks!! Book-wise - my obsession started over at JK Rowling's website. You had to search the site for clues, play games, unlock puzzles all to get bonus materials which made it all the more awesome. I love finding out all those little hidden secrets that only the author knows.
As a writer I think it is just as fun to reveal what’s behind the curtain to my readers. Every now and then when I’m coming up with backstories and such, I get this tingly a-ha moment when I realize a certain thing that would be perfect for bonus materials which I love because those are all about the fun!
You know I never watch the bonus features on DVDs. I don't know why. But now you have me wondering if it would take away from some of the magic if I had a behind the scenes glimpse. Hmm...
Thanks for the photo montage, I am getting itchy feet right now...
I hope that you had a nice time there. I miss Asia a lot (hubby used to work in Jakarta).
I like the deleted scenes and the bonus features because it gives me a different perspective and shows what could have been. A world of endless possibilities!!!
Meagan - Thanks! It's so interesting how you have different approaches to your fiction and non-fiction work :)
Christina - Ah! Three words for you, my dear: Dr. Who Confidential :D
Kelly - I've noticed that more and more books are offering additional content on places like the author's website. I'm really curious if a person's attitude towards movie extras translates to books as well. Hmmm, indeed! :)
MuMuGB - We had a great time. Thanks! :) (My dad used to work as an expat in Jakarta too. Nice place and great food!) And yes, I share your thrill about "endless possibilities!"
Special features? I guess for me it depends on the movie. I recently watched Scott Pilgram vs the World (great movie!) and would love to see Michael Cera suspended in front of a blue screen, but usually I think it would take away some of the magic.
And as a snowed-in reader, your video was a breath of fresh air. Thank you!
I love watching bonus features on DVDs! Not so on books, I'm afraid. I don't know why.
Love! Love! Love the photos you took from your Singapore trip! So artistic! Did you take classes? Your camera must be one fancy-shmancy gadget too! Wish-list! :P
- Mia
Hey, Mia! Glad you liked them. Most of the shots were taken by Tembs. We have a point and shoot system. I point, he shoots. ;-) We just used a LX5 for this. Nothing fancy :)
Okay Sam that is totally evil! How can you do that?!!! I blame you for not making any headway with my re-writes this week....but in a good way. :D
Alright - Spill. Where do I find said Dr. Who confidential?
By the way I'm near the end of Season 4. I do have to say the Martha Jones switch in Season 3 annoyed me more times than not but in the end where she tells him "This is me getting out" - I have to say I liked her very much right there.
The Princess Bride "As You Wish" documentary?? How have I never heard of this? I love that movie more than I love most people!
I enjoy watching bonus features - I like watching deleted scenes and cast interviews and all that, but only for movies I really, fanatically enjoyed.
Christina - Haha! It took a while for Martha to grow on me too because I really liked Rose.
I've seen some sites on the net that have the Confidential episodes, but I'm not really sure which is the best source (The hubby usually does the internet trawling. I'll check with him). The shows are definitely worth watching - if only to hear David Tennant's real accent. :D
Jennifer - LOL! I know what you mean. It's a classic! "My name is Inigo Montoya..." :D
Yes please!
Oh and I Love the Scottish accent. In the Tooth and Claw episode when Rose tries to copy his accent and he looks at her and says "Don't... Just don't" totally cracked me up.
My kids LOVE The Princess Bride -- as do I. I have to look for the documentary immediately! It will give us something to do during the next snow storm...
Christina - I remember that! LOL!!! I'll email you when I have linky :)
Liz - I've made Princess Bride fans of my kiddos too. (Oh, and feel free to send some snow over. Summer over here has officially started...)
Ooh, hidden pages on an author's website. Sounds like fun to me! I love surprises and behind the scenes glimpses.
Janel - Aren't they fun? Can't get enough of them :)
I love special features on DVDs. That's the main reason you buy the original! =)
Te Lord of the Rings behind the scenes are probably as long as the movies themselves but we watched them too.
I want that Princess Bride docu! It is my all-time favorite movie ever! Where did you get it?
OCMom - Yay! I didn't know you loved Princess Bride! We bought the DVD years ago in Singapore. Happy to lend it to you. I'll bring it when we watch the game this week :D
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