Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ask The Agent!

…but not just any agent - my super-duper-all-shades-of-awesome agent, to be precise. Stephanie Kip Rostan of the Levine Greenberg Literary Agency will be stopping by soon to answer burning queries you may have about the ins and outs of publishing, industry trends, her wish list or anything else you'd like to know under the writing sun. Drop your questions in the hat by sending me an email. Stay tuned for the exact date of her first blog visit!


Samantha Sotto said...

Just realized there was something wrong with the email address. I've fixed it now. Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Samantha! I don't have a question right now, but I can't wait to read what other inquiring minds might want to know.

Your book sounds quite interesting, too.

Samantha Sotto said...

Thanks, Linda! I've received so many interesting questions so far - I think I'm going to need a bigger hat! We'll probably have to draw from the hat in batches. Stay tuned! :)

Trish Feehan said...

Congratulations on your upcoming book, Samantha! The premise sounds intriguing. I’ve just finished my debut novel and plan to query agents. My questions for Stephanie are: What type of fiction are you currently looking for? What do you like to see in a query?

Really appreciate your giving other aspiring writers this opportunity to get your know your agent better. And thanks to Stephanie for sharing.

Samantha Sotto said...

Hi, Rita! Congratulations on finishing your book and thanks for your questions. The first lucky batch of questions have already been picked out of the hat, but I'll be sure to drop your questions in the hat for next round. Should you think of any more questions, feel free to email me using the link I posted above. Best of luck with your debut novel! :)