Yup, I’m officially done with this stage of the process and will be recuperating in a dark corner with cold cucumber slices over my eyes for a week or so. I have to say that this part scared me more than querying agents.
I think my trauma springs from an experience in my previous corporate life where I launched a product that had the word “UTLRA Protection” printed in front of the pack. (To this day, I cannot look at a pack of sanitary pads without wincing.)
I’ve made a substantial offering to the proofreading gods so I am hoping that you won’t find any nasty errors lurking in the final book. But in case you do, I may just send you a cupcake for every tpyo.
Take heart. I once released a letter bearing my CEO's signature and addressed to the state's highest official, who was rumored to have extramarital activities. It originally said, "your own personal experience." I deleted "personal"—or thought I did. The letter read, inexplicably, "your own sexperience." To this day I'm convinced my Mac had goblins in it.
Scrollwork - I think that story deserves a cupcake. A BIG one. LOL! :)
Oye Samantha,Es imposible que tu cara muy linda lo comparas con la cara de un tarsier.No me digas!
Espero leer tu libo en epspanol.
That cupcake photo with the tarsier looks amazingly real -- like they really are in 1 photo. Are they??? And I am cringing at the thought that his little furs (is there a plural?) are going into the icing. I am sorry, I am so off-topic! Haha.
OCMom- LOL! My Picasa artist (aka MOM) will be thrilled! :)
Ernesto - Haha! :)
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