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I suppose when you name your blog “The Slight Detour,” you’re just begging the universe to send twists and turns your way. Well, this is the latest surprise it sprung on me. I have a new cover. Yup, you heard me right. Before Ever After has a new face – and I couldn’t be happier! Quick! You have 3 seconds to tell me what changed.
I’m kidding. Here’s the real cover. Your time starts now. One…two…
I really like the new “old” locket my publisher has decided to use. I feel that it evokes the theme of the story a whole lot more.
Now moving on to the scariest thing I’ve ever seen…it’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s my GALLEY. *shivers*
What? It didn’t make you tremble? Not even a little bit? But…but…it’s a galley! It’s the uncorrected mock-up of the book that is being sent out to *lowers voice*…reviewers as we speak. Just thinking about *lowers voice even more* reviews makes me break out into a cold sweat. Dear God, can you please just wake me up when it’s over? *hides under the blanket*
This is fantastic news! I am very pleased (and a bit jealous!). I can't believe it is such a long process...I look forward to reading your book!
The cover looks great!
Hi, Sam!
Like the change; the wait would be driving me absolutely crazy. Guess this is where it really rings true that if you love something, you've gotta let it go.
Thought you might like to see how I've been promoting your book to my friends on facebook :~)
To be released August 2, 2011!! The most fun you could have reading a romance-mystery-historical adventure - or, is it SciFi time travel? - I am so impressed with her writing! *picture of book* (which I will now have to change :)
I love the cover! It's great! I can't imagine how you are feeling right now!!! I sending you good thoughts of great reviews and people lining up for miles to meet you! I for one can't wait to read it. Congratulations! What a wonderful time for you!
I can't believe you're toying with Fabio's emotions that way. (He thought he had a new job!) ;)
Congratulations on the new cover and galley, Sam. Thumbs up! I can't wait to read your *raises voice* great reviews!
So exciting, the galley!!! And the "tweaked" cover. Love it. MAJOR congrats for reaching this point in the process! How wonderful!
Ha ha - good one! I've just had exactly the same happen to me - rather more dramatic change than yours - in both US and UK. Which is why I haven't even shown a cover yet...
Yes, a nail-biting time waiting for the early reviews to come back. But I have a feeling you're going to be delighted.
I think the Fabio cover is quite scary as well (but way too funny!). Hope all goes well as you continue the countdown.
Sorry about that... what I meant is...
I'm still vounching for a brownish tile... :D
By the way... There's no way that 'Fabio' looks like a cross between a young Colin Firth and a Matej Cernic on a good day! The hair is aaaallll wrong!
PS: Who, in reality, is Fabio? And I don't mean the hulk on the cover, but whom the name refers to?
Love the cover. I feel like I can almost reach out and touch the weathered cover and items. Beautiful! :O)
Hi Samantha!
Oh my gosh I laughed at the Fabio cover, too funny. :D
The real new cover looks fabulous! I agree with Diane, I almost feel like I can touch it.
Congrats on the new cover and galley, it's all so exciting! :)
Awww come on Sam. This is one of the big moments!!! Enjoy it girlfriend. You know what you should do is take your galley to the local barnes and noble and sit there reading it in the cafe. When someone sits down next to you lean over and say "Oh my gosh! This is the best book I've ever read. You HAVE to get it!!!"
:D hahahaha. Just kidding. But seriously girl ENJOY THE MOMENT!!!
The Fabio cover is much better I think!....bwahahahahaha! ;-)) Seriously, everything looks great and I'm really excited for you!
Beautiful cover!
LOVE it, Samantha! I can hardly wait to have it in my hands so I can imagine you are beside yourself with your own excitement! Congratulations!!
Congrats and good luck! I love the revised one.
Stopping by from SheWrites
That's a beautiful, classy-looking cover. Congrats, and best wishes on what's promising to be a beautiful and classy BOOK!!! Enjoy every part of the journey.
Bwaahhaa I would've been so excited if Fabio was your cover. Maybe I should request that for my YA fantasy that has nothing to do with him.
YAY! Love the new cover (though Fabio wasn't too bad!) and congrats on the galleys!
You have a galley! Aww...it's beautiful, looks just like you, although it may possess your mother's nose. :-) I can only hope that mine will come sooner rather than later too.
Oh my goodness, that cover is GORGEOUS! I mean, just look at Fabio's hair! Hehe, no, your real cover is just a work of art. Congratulations!!!
MuMuGB - Thanks! It is a loooong process. This is my longest "pregnancy" so far! ;-)
M Kathy - Oh, wow! Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the support! :D
Kathy - Thank you! I can't remember ever being this nervous, to be honest :D
Kenya - LOL! Awww...now I feel guilty about Fabio ;-)
Traci - Thanks! I am thisclose to freaking out. Haha! :D
Deborah - I hope you're right. I've run out of appendages to cross. LOL. (I CAN"T WAIT to see your cover!!!)
Daphne - Haha! Thanks!!! :D
Elaine - Fabio is the name of the guy on the cover. He was actually a popular cover model for romance novels in the US back in the 80s. He branched out by developing his own romance book series. (And I agree - there's nooooooo way he could be our Max. LOL. As for the "tile" pendant, I was hoping for that too, but my publisher explained that they wanted to go with a design that communicated the tone of the book rather than one that was a literal interpretation of it.) :D
Diane - Glad you like it. Thanks!!! :D
Julie - Thank you! I really think the designer did an awesome job. :D
Christina - Okay, okay. I'll do it - as long as I can sit at B&N with a blanket over my head. Hahaha! :D
Joy - Just promise me you won't picture Fabio when you read about my main character, okay? LOL ;-)
V. Furnas - Thank you!! :)
Brynne - Thank you so much! I think I'm more scared than excited though. Haha! :D
Dafeenah - Hi! Thanks for stopping by! So happy you like the cover :D
Susan - Thank you! I'm trying my best not to go crazy. LOL :)
Sophia - Hahahaha! Now that's a cover that will stand out in the YA shelves!!! :D
Liz - Thanks!!! I will miss him. Maybe I can make him my screensaver... ;-)
Kate - LOL! And fingers and all appropriate appendages are crossed for you, my dear! Fabio as Yuri? Hehe ;-)
Meredith - Isn't it amazing how silky smooth and shiny those locks are? Hahaha! :D Thanks for the Fabio, er, cover love!
Hi Samantha, I think it looks absolutely brilliant! This is quite an achievement - congratulations on the whole process and getting there. When can I buy it? xx, isabelle
Sam, congrats! I even guessed the change correctly. I do like this new locket better. Galleys are a bit scary. I just went through this. My book is in the hands of reviewers so I'm on the edge of my seat with you. Deep breaths.
Isabelle - Thanks!! The book will be released on Aug 2 :D
Kelly - Thank you! Deep breaths inDEED. Good luck with your reviews. I'm sure they'll be great!
I guess not knowing who Fabio is/was says a lot about my reading habits in the 80s... like... non-existant.
I totally get the point of the locket (love it, actually, more than the heart) but I couldn't resisting poking ;)
At least you chose a Fabio cover from when he was in his prime, even if he does look a bit like Conan the Barbarian.
YOUR cover is beautiful. It must feel so utterly amazing to be able to hold that galley copy in your hands--congratulations again.
Quick, before you hide under the covers, send me a copy to review. I swear it'll be unbiased and glowing.
Elaine - I actually had a feeling you would mention the tile pendant. :D
vinobaby - Haha! Thanks! It does feel pretty awesome :D
KLZ - LOL. Pinky swear? :D
I am sure everyone will love it. Don't worry. Just think how exciting it is that you actually have people reviewing your book. Such a wonderful accomplishment. So Congratulations and if anyone dares to be overly mean and rude let us know and we will.....think really bad thoughts about them. I don't like violence.
Haha, thanks!!! :D
Gorgeous cover, Samantha! And the Fabio one... keep it as back-up!
I am positive you will get some pretty smashing reviews. Good things on the horizon, my friend.
Well you can do it with a blanket over your head but honestly, you'd just look like a creepy street person peddeling your wares. Which probably won't convince anyone to pick up BEA. hahaha :D
Ah, you didn't go with the Fabio version??? HA, HA! Too funny! I thought that was the scary pic... :) I do so love your cover though. It's just beautiful!
Yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you! Don't be scared. You're a wonderful writer and the reviews will be glowing.
(you scared me with the Fabio cover. Jeez!)
Cathy - Haha! Due to popular demand, I'll launch it as a special collector's edition ;-)
Florida Girl - Thank you, my dear! Fingers crossed! :D
Christina - Hahaha! True that :D
Donea - The Fabio one will be released as part of the boxed set. LOL ;-)
Kara - What? You don't like Fabio? I'm hurt. LOL ;-) Seriously, I think they need to develop meds for writer anxiety and they should come in three variants: Query, Submission, and Reviews :D
the locket is like icing on the cake! = )
luv it!
truly lovely and artistic!
ONID - Yay!!!! Glad you like it!!! :D
Dezmond - Thank you so much!!! :D
Your cover is lovely! So excited for you :)
Thanks, Alexis! :D
Just have to add my two cents here - think C.M. Villani's comment is clever, maybe to add to that, accidentally drop your book in a main library's drop box (with your name and return address inside of course) and see what kind of buzz you can create there. Librarians know their covers and they'll recognize one they haven't seen, maybe they'll read the back cover and decide to read the whole book before they call you to tell you that you 'accidentally' left your book there.
Well it's a thought : D
Beautiful cover - glad you didn't go with ' the hunk a hunk of burnig 'love' image LOL
(Hope you don't mind I used your photo from Amazon : D )
Congratulations on the arrival of your galley. I preordered through Amazon this morning : D
I wish you best success...I loved the cover which is the first thing I see before I even consider reading very good choice. Come by and visit us ♥
WynnieBee - Thanks again for the wonderful surprise feature on your blog!!!! :D
Rachel - Thank you! I'll definitely swing by! See you there :D
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